
Hi, there. Here's our story.

The Lavender Lady story begins with my family. As a mom and nurse practitioner, my family's well-being means everything to me.

A couple of years ago I noticed some ugly black stains on the ceiling of my home, and found that they came from the scented candles I loved to burn, I began to get concerned that the soot might also be coating our lungs!

So I did a lot of research and learned about soy and the natural, clean-burning properties of soy candles. I started only buying soy candles for my home, but was disappointed in how slight the scents were. I wanted something to fill my home with beautiful fragrances!

So again I did a lot of research and decided I would try to make my own! After dozens of hours of trying different recipes and mixtures, I found a perfect combination of ingredients to give me the wonderful soy candle I was looking for...with the house-filling scent I wanted.

Soon afterwards, people began asking me about my candles, and when I told them I made them myself they would ask me to make one for them. I did, and Lavender Lady Candles was born.

Now, we are making candles and selling them to people everywhere! It is something I really enjoy doing and it has become my passion.

I hope you enjoy my candles! Let me know what you think after you enjoy them filling your home!


The Lavender Lady

People always assume that I am "The Lavender Lady".  They also assume that it is because I love lavender, or that we only sell lavender candles.  None of that is even close. The real Lavender Lady is a ghost.

When my daughter was about 4 years old she came up to me one day and asked, "Mommy, who's house is this?"  Of course, I replied, "It's our house, honey!"  She said, "No it isn't.  It's the lady's." 
"What lady?" I asked.
"The lady who walked up the stairs and into Nick's room today. She told me."

A little startled, I tried to get a bit more information about this mysterious lady that my daughter saw in our home. She was able to describe her as wearing a long purple dress and a fancy hat. Of course, nobody like that was in our house that day...or any other day for that matter. 

The Lavender Lady hasn't been seen again, but her legacy lives on in my candle company. And, by the way, I do love the smell of lavender!

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